Fell into the bottomless abyss.
Defeated the Monster Baron in the Fortress Underground.
Walked over 500 cracked floor tiles.
Slid over ice.
Pushed down a floor switch.
Found a hidden path.
Made a golem push a box.
Caught by a golem.
Detonated a bomb.
Teleported from one place to another.
Burnt to death on lava.
Opened a door with a magical key.
Solved every room!
Defeated the Monster Baron in The Tomb of Fear.
Drank a potion.
Visited 5 different castles.
Defeated the Monster Baron in The Mystical Pagoda.
Possessed a golem or a ghost.
Defeated the Monster Baron in the Enchanted Tower.
Turned to stone by an Eye Spy.
Transformed yourself into a bat, frog or troll.
Defeat the Monster Baron in the Frozen Citadel.
Opened 100 doors.
Caught by a ghost.
Pushed 250 wooden boxes, ice blocks or metal crates into the abyss.